Information about applying, receiving awards,submitting documentation, and determining eligibility.

Articles (6)

How do I know if I've received an award?

You can check on the status of your awards applications in the Scholarships and Bursaries channel in PAWS.

Scholarships and Bursaries: Applying

Information about searching and applying for scholarships, bursaries and awards available for undergraduate students with 18 or more credit units.

Scholarships and Bursaries: Contact Information

Information about who to contact if you have questions about scholarships and bursaries.

Scholarships and Bursaries: Eligibility

Scholarships and bursaries are available for full-time undergraduate students who have successfully completed at least one year of study at USask.

Scholarships and Bursaries: Submitting Documents

Some award applications require supporting documentation.

What if I receive an award and am covered by a sponsoring agency?

If you are a sponsored student during the fall and winter terms and are granted an award, you can receive the award money by requesting a refund once there is credit on your account.