Scholarships and Bursaries: Eligibility


Eligibility includes:  

  • Being an undergraduate student earning credits toward a USask program  
  • Registered in and completed 18 credit units over the current and previous fall and winter terms (September to April). For some exceptions, see the information below for students taking fewer than 18 credit units.
  • Sessional average of at least 65% (average is calculated from courses taken during the previous fall and winter terms). 
  • Courses completed during spring and summer sessions are not considered when calculating credit units or averages for award purposes  

Additional criteria for certain students:

Transfer Students

If you are transferring from another post-secondary institution and apply for admission to USask, you will be automatically considered for a University of Saskatchewan Transfer Scholarship.  

Dual Registered Students

If you are taking USask courses and are also completing credit units at another post-secondary institution(s) approved by the University of Saskatchewan:  

  • The credit units completed at the other institution(s) are transferable towards the completion of your USask degree.  
  • Dual registered students can combine the credit units they completed at USask and at the other post-secondary institution(s) they attended to reach the 18 credit units required for scholarship or bursary eligibility. 

Students taking fewer than 18 credits

  • If you have permanent disabilities and are registered with Access and Equity Services, you are required to complete 12 credit units during the previous fall and winter terms to be considered for scholarships or bursaries. 
  • There are some awards available for part-time students. You can search for these at

Visiting and exchange students

  • If you are granted approval to attend another institution as a visiting student on a letter of permission or as a participant in a formal exchange program, you will be eligible for all centrally administered undergraduate awards upon your return.  
  • During your tenure at the other institution, you must have completed sufficient transferable credit units in the previous regular session to meet all award credit unit requirements. 

Huskie Athletics

Averages for Huskie Athletes to be used for the purpose of awarding athletic financial awards are initially calculated based on all courses attempted during the previous year’s Regular Session (September to April). 

If after the Regular Session, you have not:

  • successfully completed a minimum of 18 credit units, or 
  • achieved the minimum 65% average as required by U SPORTS,

your average can be re-calculated to include courses completed during the subsequent spring and summer Session (May to August).  

All courses attempted during either time frame (September to April or September to August) will be used in the calculation of the award average. 


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Article ID: 1328
Sat 8/3/24 6:32 AM
Thu 8/15/24 9:18 AM
Undergrad Students

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You can check on the status of your awards applications in the Scholarships and Bursaries channel in PAWS.
Information about searching and applying for scholarships, bursaries and awards available for undergraduate students with 18 or more credit units.