When developing a new graduate program or making major revisions to an existing program, it is recommended that academic units consider the following, and if applicable, address them directly in the program proposal (Program and Curricular Change form):
- Have there been considerations for equity, diversity and inclusion?
- Has there been appropriate consultation for Indigenization of the curriculum, including recruitment and supporting students progression throughout the program?
- Is there alignment with applicable program competencies and/or degree level learning outcomes?
- Consider your faculty complement. Can a course/program be taught if the intended instructor is not available (on sabbatical, sick, etc.)?
- Review the admissions criteria against the application requirements to ensure there is a means to assess what you are requiring (e.g., if there is a requirement for work experience, request a CV).
- Course-based programs:
- Do your courses require specific sequencing and if so, how will the unit manage students who fall out of sync (e.g., students who take a leave, fail a course, etc.)?
- Knowing that students are required to maintain continuous registration, determine if there are there any gaps in programming – are courses going to be offered each term? Consider the implications for both domestic and international students if there are breaks in programming.
- Consider the difference between domestic and international students as it relates to full-time status. Academic units should consult with the International Student Study Abroad Centre (ISSAC) if they have any questions regarding the implications of full- and part-time status on an international student’s study permit and work eligibility.
- Begin the tuition discussion and budget consultation process early (i.e., prior to submission to CGPS) and consider the implication of your proposed tuition model.
- When developing program timelines, consider the terms you are admitting to. Does the target recruitment audience impact your program start date?