Journals and Journal Articles


A journal, similar to a newspaper or a magazine, is a collection of articles that are published at regular intervals.

Journal issues may be published weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. A journal may be published in print, or it may be published online and hosted by a database. The University Library subscribes to over 500 online databases which contain more than 40,000 licensed and 20,000 open-access full-text electronic journals. 

This short video explains the relationships between databases, journals, and articles:

A journal will typically publish articles that focus on topics related to a specific discipline or profession. Find out about the differences between scholarly and popular journal articles.

Directories, Indexes and Citation Reports Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

UlrichsWeb is a directory that gives the publishing details of thousands of serial publications. TIP: this is a great way to find out if a particular title is peer-reviewed, how frequently it is published, if it is still active, etc.

Web of Science Journal Title Abbreviations

This index contains all of the cited works in Web of Science. You can use it to find journal title abbreviations, or to find out the full names of journal titles when you only have the abbreviations available.

Journal Citation Reports

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is used to discover journal ranking. It can show you the most frequently cited journals in a field, the highest impact journals in a field, and the largest journals in a field.


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How to decide which library database to use to find journal articles, and where to search if you know the title of the journal that you need.
An overview of the different ways to search for journal articles at the USask Library.