How do I set up my proxy access to view student information shared with me?


This content applies to those who have been added as a proxy by a student.

Proxy Access Management is a tool that allows students to share certain information (view-only access) with a person or organization (called a proxy). Once given access, the proxy can check the information that was shared with them as often as needed, but they cannot make changes to the data (e.g., register or drop classes, pay tuition).

Shareable information includes: 

  • Class registration information (including the specific classes they are registered in) and program information 
  • Tuition and fee information 
  • Final grade information 

Examples of information that will not be shared are gender, academic standing, and holds.  

Setting up your Account

When a student adds you as a proxy, you will receive three emails (and the student who added you will be copied):

  1. Email subject “Proxy access to USask student data”: Contains a unique webpage address the proxy will select to authorize their account.
  2. Email subject “USask proxy confirmation”: Contains the unique one-time-use password required to authorize their account.
  3. Email subject “USask proxy relationship update”: Contains proxy information and the URL they will use to log in.

When you select the unique webpage address (included in the “Proxy access to USask student data” email:

  1. Enter the one-time code (included in the “USask proxy confirmation” email) and select “Submit”.
  2. Enter the email address that received the three proxy emails, the one-time code and a new password, then select “Submit”.
  3. Enter your email address as the username and the password you just set, and select “Submit”
  4. You will be directed to the Proxy Personal Information page and should enter any required information (marked with a star) and select ”Submit”.

Access Student Information

  1. Select the arrow in the “Select to view” box
  2. The pages that you are authorized to view will appear in the list.


If you still have questions, email


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Article ID: 1313
Fri 8/2/24 12:54 PM
Wed 8/14/24 11:08 AM