Request or Renew a Library Account

Service Overview

Use this service to request a new library account for yourself or request the renewal of your expired library account. 

Your USask affiliation will determine what kind of University Library account you are eligible for. Access to electronic resources (online databases, ejournals, and ebooks) is determined by licenses that the library signs with publishers and varies depending on your affiliation. Most licenses permit only current USask students, staff, and faculty (including emeriti, adjunct professors, and research associates) to access e-resources from off campus. Alumni and members of the public have limited access to e-resources. For more information, review USask Library Borrowing Services.

Service Available to

  • Anyone without a USask Library account

Availability of Support

Request / Renew Account

Related Articles (1)

Library accounts are automatically created for most faculty and staff when their employment begins. However, there are some rare instances where employees need to manually request a library account.

Service Offerings (1)

Request or Renew Library Account
Use this form to request a new library account for yourself or request the renewal of your expired library account.