Event Space Booking

Terms of use for event spaces

  • University employees and students with a USask employee sponsor may book event spaces. Student and casual employees are not eligible to be employee sponsors.
  • Events in these spaces must be focused on student learning.
  • You can book from 30 min after the library opens to 30 min before it closes. Include set up and clean up time when booking.
  • Details of each space are available on the library's website. Additional resources are your responsibility to arrange.
  • You may choose to notify library users that an event will be taking place by putting print notices on the tables in your booked event space two hours prior to the start time. You are responsible for creating, distributing and disposing of the notices which must include: event title, date, start and end times.
  • Food and drink are welcome but alcohol is never permitted. You are responsible to remove all traces after your event.
  • Contact Facilities Support Services to request additional garbage/recycling bins for your event.
  • Return the space to its original condition and configuration.
  • Library employees are not available to assist you. This includes moving furniture, providing materials or helping with technology. Check the USask Help & Support Portal for help with technology in instruction spaces.  
  • The University Library is not responsible for marketing or publicizing sessions booked in our spaces.
  • All requests are moderated. We prioritize seasonal demand for study space and preserving an atmosphere conducive to normal activities in the library when evaluating booking requests.

Service Available to

Remove options that this service is not applicable to

  • USask employees
  • USask students with a USask employee sponsor