Entrustable Professional Activity forms can be completed in-the-moment on an assessors' mobile phone. Learners can also collect these EPAs on their own device by simply opening a new form and handing their phone over to any assessor for quick completion of the questions.
Some assessors may not have a USask login, so they should complete the brief EPA assessment form on the student's logged-in device at the end of the activity.
A brief video tutorial is also available for these steps.
Tap the One45 icon on your mobile phone's home screen.
Tap the Log in with your NSID button and log in if prompted. Once you're logged in, you will see the forms you can send.
You'll be re-prompted to log in each day you use One45, so let your browser save your NSID and password for you for quick login next time.
To get assistance with your NSID or its password you can contact us at:
Tap the Forms to Send category to expand it and choose an EPA form. The rest of the steps are completed by following the prompts.
- If you're associated with only 1 academic program that uses One45 for EPAs, it will be pre-selected so you can simply continue to the next step.
- If you need to enter an EPA that occurred on a previous date, you can tap the date to change it.
- If you are a learner requesting an EPA from your assessor in the moment, the last step is to tap Send Form.
- If you are an assessor, you'll be asked to pick which learner you are assessing before seeing the Send Form option.
The form will open for you to begin answering the questions.
If you are a learner, you will be asked to pick which assessor is completing this form.
- Tap 'pick' and type in the first few letters of the last name.
- Tap search to show all close matches.
- Tap the correct assessor then Tap 'pick' to confirm.
If your assessor can't be found, simply add them by following the directions provided on the form, then search again.
Tap the contexts the EPA applies to. If you are a learner, you will be prompted to pass your mobile device with the form over to your assessor.
The assessor can now complete the remaining questions on the same device.
- To aid the assessor in the moment, tips and examples are provided.
After marking the Observation Rating, the assessor can tap the narrative feedback prompt to enter their narrative feedback.
- Tap the microphone symbol on the keyboard to speak-to-type.
The assessor can tap Submit to complete and send the form after reviewing and making any necessary corrections. The on-screen prompt confirms the EPA was successfully received and will return to the learner's "Forms to Send".