EBook Tips


About eBooks

A lot of the eBooks available from the University Library can be downloaded as PDF files to your personal device. This eBooks guide will help you work with the eBooks that aren't so straightforward. If you have questions we haven't answered here, you can always Ask Us.

Most eBooks will let you:

  • Search by chapter, or browse through the table of contents 
  • Search the book by keyword, highlighting where your terms appear
  • Read sections of the eBook online
  • Download a limited number of pages as a PDF, as determined by the publisher and by copyright
  • Print a limited number of pages, as determined by the publisher
  • Highlight text and creating notes on the e-pages (will require you to make an account with the publisher in most cases)
  • Download the whole book for a certain length of time based on limits set by the publisher

If you are looking for eBooks from the Library, find them here!


Do I have to be connected to the Internet to read eBooks?

Not if you have already downloaded the book. You will need the Internet to download the book to your personal device.

How long can I read an eBook that I've downloaded?

Each publisher sets custom borrowing periods. When you download the eBook, the number of days you have the book "checked out" will be displayed.

Can I renew an eBook?

Not really. Once the borrowing period expires, if you want to keep the book longer, you will have to go to the platform and check it out again if it's available.

Can I put a hold on an eBook?

Not at this time. The loan periods for eBooks are shorter, and non-renewable.

Adobe Digital Editions

For eBooks from the Library that require Adobe Digital Editions, you will need to download the free software to your own desktop or laptop computer before you can read them. You will need to set up an Adobe ID and download Adobe Digital Editions. For each Adobe ID, you are limited to six devices that you can register to read your downloaded eBooks.

For iOS or Android devices, Bluefire Reader is the required app (available for download in the App Store and Google Play).

You can find more information on the Adobe website FAQ. If you need more help, Adobe has a help forum & live chat service available.

Any eBooks you download will expire after a certain date, as determined by the publisher.

You can return a book early if you're finished reading it:

  • In Adobe Digital Editions, right click on the item and choose "Return Borrowed Item."
  • In Bluefire Reader, click the Info tab and tap "Return Item."

Adobe Digital Editions FAQs

Can I use a computer in the library to download Adobe Digital Editions?

No, you must use your own computer or mobile device.

Which eBook platforms might need Adobe Digital Editions?

Right now, some books on eBook Central and Scholars Portal will require Adobe Digital Editions.

Help with quirky eBook platforms

eBook Central

EBSCO eBooks

Scholars Portal


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Article ID: 2035
Thu 10/3/24 3:30 PM
Fri 10/4/24 10:16 AM