Access Online Journal Articles from Off-Campus

Access to electronic resources (databases, e-journals and e-books) is determined by licenses the University Library signs with publishers. Most licenses permit only current USask students, staff, and faculty (including emeriti, adjunct professors, and research associates) to access e-resources off-campus. The library uses as authentication system called EZProxy that uses your NSID and password to identify you. Once you have logged in to your library account on the library website, you will have access to licensed electronic resources through EZProxy.


  1. Start at
  2. Click on the "Sign In" link from the top right corner of the webpage. Log in using your NSID and password. You will know that you are logged in correctly when you see your name in the place of the "Sign In" link.
  3. Search for your article using the USearch search box on the library homepage. When clicking on a search result, you should be routed through the proxy and be able to view the full-text of your article.

The University Library website has more information and instructions on how to ensure that you are properly connected from home.

If the above steps do not work, it may be for a variety of reasons.  

  • The University Library may not subscribe to the resource you're trying to access. You may be able to request it for free through interlibrary loan.
  • Not all resources allow off-campus access. A select few are only available on campus.
  • There may occasionally be a problem with your account or with the online resource itself.

If you have questions or need assistance, submit a Research and Reference Support request, use our online Ask Us chat service, or visit the Research Help desk on the first floor of the Murray Library or a Library Services desk at any of our other library locations in person during hours of opening.

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Article ID: 1300
Thu 8/1/24 4:32 PM
Fri 10/4/24 9:41 AM

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