You can request almost any item through ILL, except for the following:
- Items our library already owns (in any format, including e-books). An exception can be made if the item is lost or is currently checked out and another person already has a hold placed on it.
- Items that are on reserve in any of our library locations.
- Digital copies of entire issues or volumes of journals. You can request individual articles from scan request or you can borrow print issues/volumes through ILL.
- Materials for class use, specifically textbooks.
Some materials can be difficult for us to borrow from other institutions, but we will do our best to fulfill your request. These typically include audio-visual materials, rare materials, items held in archives and special collections, patents, standards, technical reports, theses and dissertations.
We cannot guarantee the format we receive. Books often come in print, but may be supplied as an e-book or possibly microfilm or microfiche. Articles and book chapters are mostly supplied as a pdf file but may arrive as a print copy due to copyright restrictions.